Posts Tagged ‘chemical threat’

Wildlife leaves Glyphosate Bank – finds refuge in Organic Garden

March 22, 2009

21-03-2009Previous Bluecray articles have dealt with consequences of using herbicides in land stewardship. I have written these stories around Butterflies, Rufous Bettongs, Goannas and Frogs. The stories have links below.

However, there are many small animals (vertebrate and non vertebrate) that inhabit the weedy areas of the Mt Warning Caldera Region.  Some of these weed infested areas are often chosen for active land management , such as revegetation, habitat enhancement and enforced weed management.

I would like to say more about glyphosate and lantana management.

There is a trend to mass spray herbicides to manage the threat of Lantana, as it overtakes poorly managed land throughout SE QLD and NE NSW and much of Australia. This is being done in the name of BIODIVERSITY, habitat restoration and healing the land. However, the irony of it all, is that the acts of clearing, herbicide use and mass “management” actions, unless followed up immediately by vigilant seeding, planting, stock management and general land stewardship, will create more areas of threatened biodiversity and more areas of “weed”. – An Australian Weeds Committee National Initiative – Weeds PORTAL – about John Thorp – policy and weed strategy directions

The Dynamics of Lantana camara Invasion of subtropical Rainforest in SE Queensland  by Daniel Stock – at Australian Digital Thesis Program (Griffith University 2005)

Macleay’s Swallowtail – a beautiful green and brown butterfly –

Philosophy of Environmental Destruction in the Name of Healing

Litoria species – a little Frog of Wetlands, Forests and Woodlands – Habitat Care and Stewardship – bluecray Balance of Faeries blog

PK & Litoria look for Rufous Bettong – a threatened species listed as vulnerable by the NSW Government – bluecray Balance of Faeries blog

Rufous Bettong and the Glyphosate Bank –

PK and Litoria look for Rufous Bettong, and on the way, meet up with Goanna – bluecray Wisdom in the Land blog

Goanna leaves the glyphosate Bank, the butterflies leave too – bluecray Wisdom in the Land blog

Why Goanna left the Glyphosate Bank –

Growing by Organics – Food Gardens and Sharing – bluecray Wisdom in the Land blog

Land and Water Stewardship in the Mt Warning Caldera Region  – food for thought –


The Mt Warning Caldera Region has many disturbed, poorly managed lands and waterways. Lantana, Camphor Laurel and many other "weed" species abound. There is a trend for revegetation projects, (land for Wildlife, landcare, caring for our country etc) to incorporate herbicide spraying into the projects. Many projects are along waterways.

The Mt Warning Caldera Region has many disturbed, poorly managed lands and waterways. Lantana, Camphor Laurel and many other "weed" species abound. There is a trend for revegetation projects, (land for Wildlife, landcare, caring for our country etc) to incorporate herbicide spraying into the projects. Many projects are along waterways.